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Product Image Carbon Ti X-Double Titanium EVO Kit 42/27

Carbon Ti X-Double Titanium EVO Kit 42/27 with black bolts not red.


MTB Titanium Grade 5 chainring kit that allows the conversion of 104/64 triple cranks to 2 x 10 or 2 x 9 double modifiyng the chainrings position. The kit contains outer X-Ring Titanium EVO chainring, inner Full Titanium chainring, customized X-Fix XS fixing bolts (4 short males and females and 4 long males) and 4 spacers (X-Space XL) necessary only for Shimano XTR crankset (FC-M980 MY2011 or MY07-10) inner position. The special titanium grade 5 allows a three time longer life than any aluminum alloy on the market. The crankset isn't included in kit.
Weight 96g

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