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Product Image Carbon Ti X-RING MTB Titanium Evo & Full-Ti

Carbon Ti X-RING MTB Titanium Evo & Full-Ti


Carbon Ti, Titanium EVO MTB chainring with technopolymer (Delrin) inserts (bigger outer rings) for shiftings even more smooth and precise: The special titanium grade 5 allows a three time longer life than any aluminum alloy on the market.

Several versions are available

1) 44T/104 BCD 72g

2) 42T/104BCD 66g

3) 42T/104BCD X-double to turn a triple into a double chainsets 66g

4) 40T/104 BCD X-double to turn a triple into a double chainsets 64g

5) 38T/104 BCD X-double to turn a triple into a double chainsets 60g

6) 36T/104 BCD X-double to turn a triple into a double chainsets 48g

7) 32T/104 BCD 33g

8) 28T/64 BCD 29g

9) 27T/64 BCD 28g

10) 26T/64 BCD 25g

11) 24T/64 BCD 20g

12) 22T/64 BCD 17g 

13) 22T/58 BCD 20g

14) 42T/88 BCD XTR M985 70g

15)  40T/88 BCD XTR M985 70g

16) 28T/88 BCD XTR M985 25g

17) 42T/120 BCD 68g

18) 39T/120 BCD 63g

19) 38T/120 BCD 54g

20) 28T/80 BCD 24g

21) 26T/80 BCD 22g

22) 25T/80 BCD 19g


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