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Product Image Carbon Ti Al/Ca (aluminium/carbon) EVO chainrings 53Tx110BCD shimano 4 arm

Carbon Ti X-CarboRing chainrings (aluminium/carbon) 4 arm, 5 arm SRAM AXS


*If the chainring is not instock it can be ordered please contact the shop*

Chainring with areonautical aluminium alloy (AL7075-T6) teeth and structural 3K carbon fiber carrier.
Titanium pins and carbon inserts assure more smooth and precise shiftings.

 50/37T 48/35T and 46/33T are the recomeneded combinations. If mismatched combinations are used. The cycle Clinic cannot be liable for any issues that result. 

Various tooth counts and BCD offering

Chainring weight for the outer vary btween 86g and 95g depending on size

Inner rinfga are fro 33g for a 4 arm 35T shimano compatible inner


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